As I mentioned in a previous post, we have been updating our house little by little. Yesterday we went to Ikea with my mom and had a great time. Mom LOVED Ikea by the way. She had a great time from the moment she first walked in. She couldn't get over the hand dryer in the restroom or the way that the basket glided across the floor. The reason why we went there was to get a new table for the kitchen. The table that we were using was fine, but a. it wasn't ours. b. it didn't go with our kitchen. and c. it was a tiny bit outdated. I say outdated, but keep in mind that my taste is extremely contemporary. So one girl's outdated is another's dream table. (Maybe dream table is a stretch.) Anyway, needless to say, we found the perfect table for us. It goes so great with our kitchen and the retro feel that the kitchen has. It seats up to TEN PEOPLE! The extra leaf stores under it and it's pretty simple to put the leaf in and take it back out. Since it's just Hooper and me at this point in our lives, we easily could have gotten a little bistro table but I love to entertain people over here. Not only that, but then we'd just have to buy a new table again when we have a family. So getting a table that seats ten was perfect for me. There was only one problem. The chairs that I loved were limited. They only had fivestock. But we bought all five and plan to go back to buy the rest on a later date. (Ikea isn't very close to home and it's pretty much an all day adventure that'll surely end up with some damage to my bank account when I do return.) They had some really modern high chairs and toddler chairs that matched the table perfectly too so we went ahead and got Beckett a seat and Elliott a seat for our house. Elliott has already tried hers out and she loves it. I love Ikea and I love new things so naturally I love this new table. Here is a photo of the old table.Here are some photos of the new table and new chairs.
Oh yeah, and we also got a new trash can which I have been wanting for a long time. The old one was so plain and so dirty and so gross. Here is the old one and the new one.
Anyway, the kitchen seems to be the subject of the updates lately so I would imagine more photos and blogs will come soon.