Long Time No Write..

I haven't written a blog post in over a year. I think that if I didn't write a newspaper column, I'd be much better at blogging. But it's hard to split stories between the column and the blog, and not repeat myself. Not to mention it's hard to have time to post a blog while raising three kids and working a full time job, along with multiple part time jobs. Speaking of, after 10.5 years at The Pet Hospital, I left and started working for Granbury ISD. That was a huge change for me, and a major leap of faith. I was very happy at my job, but working weekends was taking a toll on me and my time spent with the kids and Hooper. At my current job, I get off at 4:30 and don't work any weekends. I also work with amazing people, and it's been a very nice change of pace. Oh, and Hooper and I work in the same building, so we are able to ride together most days.

2018 has been an interesting year for me so far. Something triggered inside me and I have changed a lot this year. I've lost 30+ pounds and started working out at the Y. (I went to TWO workout classes this morning. I've never done two in a row before!) We got a puppy for Christmas, and I've been walking her a lot. I'm definitely more active than I have ever been in my adult life. But on the flip side of that, I've also gotten a lot lazier at home with laundry and keeping things tidy. I used to be obsessed with decorating the house, and I haven't really paid much attention to that lately. (Which is probably good because I've saved money that way!) Maybe in our adult lives we are only allowed X amount of energy, and if that energy is spent here, then it can't be spent there. I don't know. But I'm working on balancing it all. That's the story of my life, right there. Working on balancing it all. I know I have a lot more of catching up to do in this area, and I promise I'll try to do better. Currently, the kids and Hooper are all napping and I'm writing this while watching "Superbad". However, there is laundry to be done, so maybe I'll start working on that whole balancing act I was talking about.

I'll leave you with this photograph of Olive, our newest addition to the Hooper family. I'll write an entire post about her soon.


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