38 Weeks

Well nothing has changed at all since last week. Well, last week I wasn't dilated and this week I'm dilated 1/2 a centimeter. Big whoop. At our doctor appointment we had our sonogram and she estimates that she was around 7 pounds 4 ounces at that time. That is not large enough to discuss an induction at this time. :( Sooooo, we play the waiting game some more. I don't feel any closer to having her than I did 3 weeks ago. I have gotten a little bit more freaked out about the whole birthing process recently but I imagine that those feelings will just keep growing stronger as the big day approaches. I have been sleeping about half of the night on a wedge pillow and that is helping me a little bit with sleeping and acid reflux. We got some gifts from some great friends including our jogging stroller that is also a travel system! It is so neat! Such smooth turning and has an mp3 hookup and speakers! Hooper is really excited. Speaking of gifts, yesterday was Christmas and Finley made out like a bandit!!!!!!!!! Anna has already spoiled her so much! She already has more shoes than I have and has some of the cutest outfits I have EVER seen. She will be the best dressed baby around for a while I have no doubt. My mom and dad got her lots of great goodies too. I just can't wait until she is here and I can dress her in these outfits! Anna says that I have to take her everywhere or at least take her picture every day with all of her outfits! :) Today we have really been nesting. Hooper and I have been working really hard at putting all of her clothes away and arranging her closet and drawers to what makes the most sense to us. That was really hard to decide what goes where and what is considered hangable and what should just be folded. We've been doing lots of laundry also. I also swept the kitchen with my new broom that I love so much. Hahaha. And Hoop hung up some photo frames and we are planning the layout of our photo gallery in the living room. I think today has been very successful in the nesting department. I wonder if I'll have a 39 weeks post or a 40 weeks post. Heck, I might even have a 41 and 42! Ay yay yay! Below is today's picture. I do think that I look bigger than last week.


Lesley said…
You look great! I know these last days feel like an eternity when you are ready to have that baby. I went to 41 weeks and had to be induced...I was so ready! Don't worry too much about the birth...if you get an epidural it's really not that bad. Can't speak for those who like to torture themselves by not having any drugs LOL.

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